Saturday, February 23, 2008

Islam dan Perubatan..Bah 1

Islam adalah agama yang syumul. Islam sebagai ad-deen merangkumi semua aspek kehidupan manusia..tiada satu pun aspek kehidupan manusia yang terlepas oandang dari sudut agama Islam, semuanya cantik, lengkap dan memenuhi kemaslahatan manusia. Bukan sahaja dari aspek tauhid, malahan ajaran Islam juga merangkumi aspek sosial, ekonomi (ikhtisad), rumahtangga (munakahat), sains, politik (siasah) dan lain-lain.

"Sesungguhnya hari ini telah aku sempurnakan pada kamu akan agama kamu dan aku sempurnakan nikmatku pada kamu dan aku meredhai Islam sebagai agama kamu." (Surah Al-Mai'dah : 3).

Sejarah Islam membuktikan bahawa betapa islam menitik beratkan budaya Ilmu. Buktinya, ayat al-quran yang pertama diturunkan kepada junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W adalah mengenai ilmu.

"Bacalah dengan nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan. Dia menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah. Bacalah, dan Tuhanmu Yang Maha Pemurah,Yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan,Ia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya. (Surah A-A'laq: 1-5)

Ayat diatas disokong pula dengan hadith Nabi SAW mengenai kewajiban menuntut ilmu
Maksudnya: 'Menuntut ilmu itu wajib ke atas setiap muslim'.

Dengan Asbab ini, kita boleh melihat bagaimana para salafi, dan ulama'-ulama' terkemuka islam satu ketika dulu bertungkus lumus menyahut seruan ini, mengembangkan ilmu, mencipta disiplin-disiplin baru dan meletakkan asas bagi ilmu-ilmu tersebut untuk dikembangkan oleh para sarjana waktu ini. Nama-nama besar dalam dunia Islam seperti Ibn Sina, Al-khawarizmi, Ar-razi, Ibn Taimiyyah dan sebagainya menyemarakkan dunia keilmuan dizaman mereka, seterusnya menjadi asas ilmu-ilmu yang ada hari ini.
Ibn Sina merupakan ulama' perubatan islam yang agung dizamannya. Nama beliau meniti dibibir setiap doktor-doktor perubatan. Beliau adalah 'The doctor of the doctors'. Ilmu perubatan ini dipercayai diasaskan oleh Hippocrat (460 BC - 377 BC)- the father of doctors.

Pic: Ibn-Sina
(Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā- ابو علی الحسین ابن عبدالله ابن سینا )

Kitab-kitab karangan ibn Sina digunakan disegenap pelusuk dunia, diterjamah didalam puluhan bahasa, menjadi rujukan, dan fundamental bagi sains perubatan. antara karya teragung Ibn Sina adalah al-Qanun fi at-Tib (The Canon of Medicine). Kitab agung ini menjadibatu asas bagi disiplin fisiologi manusia (berdasarkan eksperimental secara spesifik dan berkuantitifikasi), penemuan penyakit berjangkit dan penyakit jangkitan seksual (penyakit kelamin), pengenalan kaedah kuarantin untuk mencegah pentyebaran penyakit, kaedah eksperimental klinikal, hygiene, neuropsychiatry dsb.

Bahang Pilihanraya Bah.5: Negara kebajikan bukan negara subsidi

Negara kebajikan bukan negara subsidi
Muhammad Abu Zahra
Fri | Feb 22, 08 | 6:47:49 pm MYT

Kebanyakan ulasan-ulasan dangkal para pemimpin BN tentang Negara Kebajikan menganggap bahawa negara seperti itu akan memberikan subsidi sepenuhnya kepada rakyat.

Mereka menyebut apabila rakyat diberi subsidi maka mereka akan malas bekerja justeru Malaysia akan kekurangan daya saing. Sedangkan konsep Negara Kebajikan yang diketengahkan oleh PAS bukannya negara yang pemerintahnya memberikan subsidi sepenuhnya kepada rakyat. Pemberian subsidi kepada rakyat hanya disalurkan kepada perkara-perkara berikut:

a. Keperluan asasi

Ataupun dalam konteks ekonomi Islam disebut 'dharuriyat', iaitu keperluan yang diperlukan oleh manusia, sekiranya manusia tidak memperolehinya boleh menyebabkan bencana yang besar. Keperluan asasi ini telah cuba diperjelaskan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) sendiri melalui Laporan Brundtland 1987 iaitu termasuk kesihatan, pendidikan, penempatan dan lain-lain. Dalam konteks ini kerajaan bertanggungjawab memaksimumkan penyaluran subsidi supaya seluruh rakyat boleh memperolehi keperluan yang sangat asas seperti ini.

b. Golongan yang tidak berupaya

Seperti golongan cacat, orang tua-tua, kanak-kanak, ibu-ibu tunggal dan lain-lain. Dalam sesebuah Negara Kebajikan, subsidi diberikan bagi membolehkan semua golongan ini hidup selesa seperti rakyat yang berupaya. Golongan-golongan seperti ini tidak mempunyai pendapatan yang tetap, sehingga boleh mendatangkan mudarat yang lebih besar.

Sebagai contoh pernah berlaku baru-baru ini ibu tunggal terpaksa mengurung anak mereka ketika keluar bekerja, disebabkan terpaksa berbuat demikian untuk menyara kehidupan keluarganya. Akhirnya anaknya telah terperangkap dalam kebakaran. Maka pemerintah dalam Negara Kebajikan akan menyalurkan subsidi yang munasabah demi memastikan kesejahteraan rakyat.

c. Melibatkan kepentingan strategik

Ia membabitkan kepentingan seluruh rakyat seperti gas, petrol dan diesel. Kesemua bahan bakar ini merupakan perkara yang diperlukan oleh seluruh rakyat daripada golongan terkaya sehingga golongan termiskin.

Kenaikan harga bahan bakar ini akan menyebabkan kenaikan seluruh barangan keperluan yang akan menjejaskan kehidupan rakyat terutama golongan miskin. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah dalam sebuah negara kebajikan wajar menyalurkan subsidi bagi memastikan kepentingan strategik seperti ini boleh mengekalkan kehidupan rakyat yang selesa.

d. Demi menjamin keselamatan rakyat

Pemerintah bertanggungjawab menyediakan prasarana yang boleh memberi jaminan tinggi kepada keselamatan rakyat. Dalam konteks Malaysia, contoh yang terbaik ialah keselamatan jalan raya. Penggunaan lebuh raya sudah pasti lebih selamat berbanding penggunaan jalan raya sempit dua lorong.

Sepatutnya subsidi diberikan untuk menggalakkan rakyat menggunakan lebuh raya bukannya dikenakan tol untuk mendorong rakyat memilih jalan raya sempit. Malah sepatutnya pemerintah menyediakan kemudahan percuma yang selamat kepada rakyat dalam aspek keselamatan pengangkutan ini. Bukankah di Malaysia kemalangan jalan raya antara pembunuh nombor satu negara?- tajdid

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bahang Pilihanraya Bah.4...

"Kerajaan terpaksa menaikkan harga
petrol berikutan kenaikan hraga minyak
global..subsidi kerajaan dikurangkan.."

Kes 1 :Jika Petronas yang menampung

Tahun 2005 untung Petronas adalah
Subsidi tahun 2005 adalah RM16b
Untung-subsidi= RM42.037b

Tahun 2006 untung Petronas adalah
Subsidi tahun 2006 =RM23b

Ini bermakna kenaikan pendapatan

Kes 2-Jika subsidi ditanggung kerajaan
melalui sumbangan Petronas:

Tahun 2005 kutipan Kerajaan pada
Petronas = RM31.1b
Subsidi tahun 2005 =RM16b
Baki= RM15.1b

Tahun 2006 kutipan kerajaan pada
Petronas = RM41.7b (anggaran asal
adalah RM39.924b)
Subsidi pada 2006 = RM23b
Baki=RM 18.7b

Kenaikan pendapatan sebanyak

[1.Subsidi RM35bilion tidak boleh
dikira kerana ianya bagi seluruh tahun
2007 dan pendapatan Petronas bagi Mac
2007-Mac 2008 belum diperolehi.

2. Subsidi pada 2006 iaitu RM23bilion
adalah sekiranya harga minyak tidak
dinaikkan kepada 30 sen.Subsidi sebenar
minyak pada tahun tersebut adalah
RM19bilion berdasarkan ucapan
Belanjawan 2007 Abdullah Ahmad Badawi]

Kita tidak meminta agar petroleum
dinikmati rakyat secara percuma.Kita
cuma pohon agar harga petroleum adalah
munasabah dengan keadaan hidup
rakyat.Adalah amat tidak munasabah
membandingkan harga minyak Malaysia
dengan Singapura yang hampir 2.5 kali
lebih mahal dari kita sedangkan umum
mengetahui pendapatan purata rakyat
Singapura adalah 5 kali lebih tinggi
dari rakyat di sini.

Nikmat khazanah Malaysia ini sepatutnya
dinikmati semua rakyat.Bukan sekadar
dinikmati oleh bekas pemilik MISC atau
pemilik Scomi!

Duit kita bukan abis pada minyak.Tapi
abis pada kroni.Abis pada korupsi.Nun
skabndal PKFZ,rugi 3.5b.Skandal Sukhoi
dan kapal selam,komisen 1b (Bank Dunia
kata komisen tertinggi dalam dunia),AP
1.8b,Buat railway gi Thailand kemudian
tangguh rugi 4b,Bail out Scomi,MISC dan
UEM,rugi dekat 6b.jual MV Augusta 1
euro,rugi 500j.Bangunan Matrade,rugi
120j.Beli jet Pak Lah,habis 200j.

Ini lah sebenarnya yang akan
membangkrapkan Malaysia.

Bahang Pilihanraya pt3...

Assalamualaikum wbt...
Beberapa kawasan Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri telah menamakan calon masing-masing. Antaranya ialah Kulim Bandar Baru (P18)- saudara Zulkifli Noordin, Kuala Terengganu (P36)-Hj Mohammad Sabu, Arau (P3)-Dato' Haron Din etc..Nama-nama besar dalam saf pimpinan Parti Islam SeMalaysia diharapkan dapat memberikan kemenangan buat PAS dalam usaha 'menghijaukan' Malaysia.

Vid: Perjuangan Belum Selesai

Ayuh bangkit, walaupun kekalahan dalam PRU11 yang lepas, perjuangan kalian masih belum berakhir. inysyaAllah, dengan gerak kerja yang teratur, doa, dan usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh, kemenangan pasti berpihak kepada islam. seperti janji Allah...

Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

-Apabila datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan (semasa engkau wahai Muhammad berjaya menguasai negeri Makkah),
-Dan engkau melihat manusia masuk dalam agama Allah beramai-ramai,
-Maka ucapkanlah tasbih dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mintalah ampun kepadaNya, sesungguhnya Dia amat menerima taubat.
(Surah An-Nasr, Ayat 1 - 3)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bahang pilihanraya ke-12. Part 2

Dedikasi buat Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim...Good luck Dato'!!

Bahang pilihanraya ke-12. Part 1

Dalam masa beberapa hari lagi, insyaAllah, seluruh rakyat Malaysia akan mengundi. Video ni aku dapat dari Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, melalui friendster. aku secara peribadinya mengagumi karisma yang ada pada DSAI ni, disamping beberapa pemimpin lain.

Undilah Barisan'll never regret. insyaAllah

Allahu Akbar!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Islamic Winter Conference 2008

Islamic winter conference will be held on 16 Febuary 2008 in 5th hostel mosque, Crimea State Medical University. All muslim / muslimat are welcome. Any inquiries, please refer to your naqib..

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Undilah dengan parti yang menyokong
perjuangan menegakkan ISLAM..
bukan menghancurkan AGAMA ISLAM dan
UMAT seanteronya….huhuhu..

Takbirr !! ALLAHu AKHbar.. ALLAHu
AKhbar.. ALLAHu AKhbar…

Allah swt berfirman, maksudnya: Dan
sediakanlah untuk menentang mereka
(musuh yang menceroboh) segala jenis
kekuatan yang dapat kamu sediakan
dan dari pasukan-pasukan berkuda yang
lengkap sedia untuk menggerunkan
dengan persediaan itu musuh Allah dan
musuh kamu serta musuh-musuh yang lain
dari mereka yang kamu tidak
mengetahuinya sedang Allah
Dan apa sahaja yang kamu belanjakan
pada jalan Allah akan disempurnakan
balasannya kepada kamu dan kamu tidak
akan dianiaya. (al Anfal:60)

Allah swt berfirman, maksudnya: Wahai
orang-orang yang beriman, sabarlah
kamu dan teguhkanlah kesabaranmu
(dalam menghadapi musuh) dan
bersiap-sedialah (untuk berperang)
serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah
agar kamu memperolehi kejayaan. (Ali

Salam PERJUANgan buat semua PARA daie’
Ungkapan yang menggetarkan nadi bagi
yang sinonim dengan bicara persoalan

Jika TAKUT dengan RISIKO, usah bicara

Dalam proses DAKWAh.. kita juga
mentarbiyyahkan diri kita dari kurang
BAIk ke arah yg BAIK. Dari yg BAIK ke
arah yang LAGI BAIk…seterusnya dari yg
terbaik, diperkasakan ke MAKAM yang
tertinggi.. insyaallah..

justeru, kita seharusnya menjadi DUTA
yang menDOKONg usaha perjuangan untuk
menegakkan ISLAM di mata
dunia..menabur benih semaian tazkirah,
menitipkan suapan rohani yang mendidik
jiwa gersang nan sepi dengan NUR yakni
jalan LURUS…

melihatkan KEPINcangan UMAT ISLAM yang
kini diMAMAH dengan rakus… dek
JAHILnya manusia..serangan HALus dari
puak YAHUdi.. dengan memasukkan jarum
dikit demi dikit… aduhai.. sedihhhnya
melihat bakal pemimpin yang menerajui
NEGARa pada masa akan datang.. ^-^

ayuh.. bangunlah ya syabab…jadilah
DUTA.. duta kepada generasi kini..
bukan hanya ahli NOMINal.. yang hanya
menyOKONg.. malah angguk-angguk geleng-
geleng dengan kerenah BIROkrasi yang
macam-macam helah tipu nya..
huhu..tapi, jadilah daie yang boleh
menyalakan OBOR dari kegelapan yg
kelam gumpita.. amar makruf wa nahi
mungkar !!

tak terfikir ke?? Ke mana sumbangan
duit selama ini yg kita laburkan..
walupun mmglaa tak sebanyak angka ribu
au JUTA.. tapi, sewajarnya.. kita yg
dikurniakan AQAl.. boleh berfikir..
boleh selidik.. ke MANA perginya
duit.. dana yang terkumpul…

ikutkan kiraan.. sohih ana ujarkan..
banyak telah dilaburkan ke arah yg
lagho.. ke arah yang tidak sepatutnya
dilaburkan bak air yang mengalir…
sedikit cth PETRONAs yg mmg satu-satu
negeri yg banyak dapat royalty dari
hasil minyak tersebut.. TERengganu..
mana perginya PITIh tu?? Byk dijana
pada projek ape??? Berbilion
banyaknye… kalau diagihkan pada projek
yang banyak manfaat pada RAKyat ada
juga manfaatnya.. tapi…???!!

Belum lagi cth projek lain yg
menbazirkan duit RAKYAT .. aduhhhh..
sedihhhnye.. melihatkan rakan
sepersekolahan..belia-belia.. adik-
adik yg kini hanyut dibawa arus
kEBARAtan.. arus hedONisme yang
melampau…. ^-^

AYUh… bangun umat MUHAMMAD… bangun
dari LENA yang bersulamkan kesenangan
yang bertatahkan hiburan maknawi
semata-mata.. berintikan suapan rasuah
yang melata.. bertunjangkan fakta
palsu yang disogokkan bagi mangaburi
mata-mata rakyat..

Ya ALLAH, tegakkanlah Negara yang
mendaulatkan AL Quran di setiap
tempat, Hidup bahagiakanlah kami
dengannya, matikan kami sebagai
SYUhada’ yang mulia.

Ya ALLAH, tegakkan Negara Islam yang
sebenar dan kurniakanlah kami padanya
kemuliaan, kekuatan dan kesatuan di
bawah naugan kalimah
‘ Lailahaillallah
Muhammadurrasululallah ‘.

Ya Allah bantulah agamaMU, kitabMU,
dan penolong-penolong agamaMU, dan
hancurkanlah musuhMU dan musuh
agamaMU, Ya Allah, jadikanlah
kalimahMU yang tertinggi dan
hinakanlah kekufuran.

Ya ALLAH, tundukkanlah jiwa kami
menjadi jiwa yg hancur luluh penuh
harapan kepadaMu dan jadikanlah kami
dari golongan yang bermunajat kepadaMu
di waktu sahur sehingga tersingkap
nyata kebesaranMU dan ketinggianMu.

Pergilah kamu beramai-ramai untuk
berperang pada jalan Allah) sama ada
dengan keadaan ringan ataupun berat,
dan berjihadlah dengan harta benda dan
jiwa kamu pada jalan Allah. Yang
demikian amatlah baik bagi kamu jika
kamu mengetahui. (at Taubah:41)

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jika
kamu menolong agama Allah niscaya
Allah menolong kamu (untuk mencapai
kemenangan) dan meneguhkan tapak
pendirian kamu. (Muhammad:7)

Akhir kalam bicara bisu ana.. sama-
sama kita tanya diri..
Adakah kita sudah JALANkan amanah
sebagai KHAlifah??
Kita wajib memilih pemimpin yg
bertunjangkan yakni mendokong daulah
ISLAmiyah .. JANGAN ada yang
MENGANggur dalam menjalankan AMANAH
BERSAma.. FARDHu bagi MENdokong

Wallahu’alam bissawab…

Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya diri ini
penuh kekeliruan dan keluh-
resah,walaupun ku tahu tanggungjawab
dakwah ini satu kewajipan namun hatiku
ini sentiasa menyeleweng dari
landasanMu,oleh itu Ya Tuhanku kau
kembalikanlah Nur kebenaran,dan
kekuatan buat diriku ini agar diriku
mampu berdiri tegak bersama kaum Adam
untuk sama-sama menjunjung kalimahMu…
ameen, insyaAllah..

source: simple shida

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

St Valentine Day

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Secara tradisinya, esok 14 Febuari setiap tahun ramai antara kita yang merayakan perayaan Hari Kekasih, Valentine Day. Perayaan ini menurut Islam adalah HARAM hukumnya. Ini adalah kerana perayaan ini di percayai untuk menyucikan St Valentine. St Valentine merupakan seorang pendeta agama kristian.
Jadi seorang yang mengaku dirinya Islam, mengucap 2 kalimah shahadah dan mengaku dirinya muslim dengan secara waras mestilah meninggalkan kebiasaan ini. berikut adalah petikan dari akhbar harakahdaily online mengenai perayaan Hari Valentine:-

Menyanggah persoalan cinta pada Hari Valentine
Ustaz Zainudin Hashim
Wed | Feb 13, 08 | 11:24:20 am MYT

Sesungguhnya tidak ada cinta lebih utama untuk diberikan hanya kepada Allah SWT, kerana sebagai orang Islam, kita diajar oleh al-Quran, bahawa cinta sejati ialah hanya kepada Allah sepertimana yang termaktub dalam ayat 165 surah al-Baqarah, Allah berfirman maksudnya:"Dan di antara manusia ada orang-orang yang menyembah (objek-objek lain) selain Allah, mereka mencintainya sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah. Adapun orang-orang yang beriman, mereka benar-benar mencintai Allah."

Jelas daripada penjelasan ayat di atas, mengkhabarkan kepada kita, bahawa cinta orang-orang beriman yang sebenarnya hanya kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, ia bukan bermakna cinta antara manusia dengan manusia dilarang oleh agama, terutamanya cinta seorang lelaki terhadap seorang wanita.

Sehubungan itu, baginda Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bertanya kepada Saidina Omar Bin al-Khattab, siapakah orang yang dia kasihi, sambil menyatakan bahawa baginda Rasulullah sebagai orang yang paling dikasihi termasuk anak isterinya, kemudian beliau ditegur oleh baginda dengan sabdanya: Tidak beriman salah seorang daripada kamu, hingga dia mencintai aku lebih daripada mencintai kedua orang tuanya, anak isterinya dan seluruh manusia amnya.

Hari Valentine bunuh semangat cinta kepada agama Apa yang dipaparkan di atas, jelas menunjukkan betapa ancaman Nabi Muhammad itu perlu diambil perhatian serius kepada orang-orang yang beriman kepada Allah dan rukun-rukun iman yang lain.

Ini kerana hari Valentine yang mengajak pasangan lelaki dan perempuan untuk berjumpa serta menunjukan rasa kasih antara satu sama lain dengan pemberian sejambak bunga dan sebagainya adalah lebih cenderung kepada melakukan maksiat kepada Allah SWT, kerana baginda pernah mengingatkan seluruh umatnya, bahawa pertemuan dua pasangan kekasih tanpa orang ketiga menemani mereka adalah terdedah kepada godaan dan bisikan syaitan yang sentiasa mengajak untuk melakukan perkara yang terlarang dalam agama Islam.

Sedangkan pasangan kekasih itu tidak mempunyai hubungan atau pertalian keluarga yang boleh menjuruskan keduanya kepada penentangan hukum Allah SWT dengan duduk berdua-duaan sama ada di taman bunga, di tempat-tempat sunyi yang jauh daripada pengetahuan dan penglihatan orang ramai, memudahkan mereka melakukan perkara yang tidak diingini.

Mereka sanggup menghabiskan masa bukan kerana Allah, juga bukan kerana persoalan agama, malah masa dihabiskan dengan duduk bersembang kosong tanpa tujuan yang jelas, mereka tidak sedar terdedah pada keadaan yang penuh dengan fitnah terhadap agama mereka sendiri, kerana terdapat di kalangan mereka yang berdua-duaan itu yang bertudung kepala, duduk di kawasan yang meragukan banyak pihak, akhirnya terlanjur.

Apabila semangat Valentine itu diaplikasikan dalam realiti hidup pasangan kekasih lebih daripada mengutamakan larangan Allah, maka akan berlaku apa yang tidak sepatutnya berlaku.

Justeru, bagi mereka (khusunya pasangan lelaki dan perempuan remaja Islam) yang masih mahu menyambut hari Valentine yang lebih kepada semangat Kristian, ingatlah firman Allah SWT menerusi ayat 24 surah at-Taubah yang bermaksud : "Katakanlah – Jika bapa-bapa, anak-anak, saudara-mara, isteri-isteri kamu, harta kekayaan yang kamu usahakan, perniagaan yang kamu takut akan kerugiannya, rumah-rumah tempat tinggal yang kamu sukai, adalah lebih kamu cintai daripada Allah dan Rasul-Nya dan berjihad di jalannya, maka tunggulah hingga Allah datangkan keputusan-Nya, Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang Fasiq."

Pemerintah mampu halang dan ubah minda rakyat

Persoalan untuk memastikan pegangan agama rakyat terhadap ajaran Islam adalah terletak di atas bahu golongan pemerintah khususnya para Umno, kerana apabila terdapat mana-mana individu di kalangan rakyat negara ini yang beragama Islam menyambut hari Valentine yang umum tahu bahawa ia adalah hari yang disambut oleh seorang paderi Kristian, maka mereka secara langsung dan mungkin juga tidak langsung bersama dengan Kristian.

Rasulullah s.a.w dalam satu hadisnya pernah bertegas : "Sesiapa yang menyerupai sesuatu kaum, maka dia termasuk dalam lingkungan kaum tersebut."

Pernahkah golongan pemerintah dalam negara ini telah berusaha keras untuk memberi penerangan kepada rakyatnya khususnya orang-orang Islam akan bahaya hari Valentine untuk disambut, kerana ia ada kaitan dengan masalah akidah.

Tetapi apa yang dapat kita lihat, bagaimana program televisyen pun sibuk menyiarkan filem-filem tentang hari Valentine yang dapat disaksikan oleh umum.

Tidakkah para pemerintah rasa gerun, bahawa mereka telah menyediakan satu wadah yang boleh menjerumuskan manusia kepada tida berpegang kepada Islam sebenar?

Umum telah mengetahui, bahawa Islam Hadhari tajaan Umno, menyediakan ruang dan peluang yang begitu banyak dalam program hiburan keterlaluan, mereka tidak perlu berdalih lagi, kerana semua tindakan itu telah dirakam oleh Malaikat untuk didedahkan di mahkamah Allah pada hari Kiamat nanti.

Ketahuilah, bahawa mereka semua boleh tipu manusia, tetapi mereka lupa bahawa mereka tidak berupaya untuk menipu Allah, antara tipuan yang dilakukan ialah tidak mahu melaksanakan hukum Allah, itulah punca sebenar yang dikenal pasti berlakunya kemarahan Allah terhadap diri kita semua. - mks.

Berikut adalah sisipan artikel mengenai st Valentine fr wikipedia...

Saint Valentine

Pic: Ni lah St Valentine yang Dilaknati tu..

Saint Valentine of Terni oversees the construction of his basilica at Terni, from a 14th century French manuscript (BN, Mss fr. 185)
Bishop and Martyr
Born unknown
Died ca. 269[1]
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox Church
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
Feast 14 February (Roman Catholic Church)
6 July (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Attributes birds; roses; bishop with a crippled or epileptic child at his feet; bishop with a rooster nearby; bishop refusing to adore an idol; bishop being beheaded; priest bearing a sword; priest holding a sun; priest giving sight to a blind girl[1]
Patronage affianced couples, against fainting, bee keepers, greeting card manufacturers, happy marriages, love, plague, travellers, young people[1]
Saints Portal

Saint Valentine (in Latin, Valentinus) is the name of several martyred saints of ancient Rome. Of the Saint Valentine whose feast is on February 14, nothing is known except his name and that he was buried at the Via Flaminia north of Rome on February 14. It is even uncertain whether the feast of that day celebrates only one saint or two or more saints of the same name. For this reason this liturgical commemoration was not kept in the Roman Catholic calendar of saints for universal liturgical veneration as revised in 1969.[2] Traditional Roman Catholics continue to venerate St. Valentine on his feast day, February 14.

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Saint Valentine the Presbyter, is celebrated on 6 July,[3] and Hieromartyr Saint Valentine (Bishop of Interamna, Terni in Italy) is celebrated on 30 July.[4]

The name "Valentine" does not occur in the earliest list of Roman martyrs, which was compiled by the Chronographer of 354. The feast of St. Valentine was first established in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among those "... whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God." As Gelasius implied, nothing was known, even then, about the lives of any of these martyrs. The Saint Valentine that appears in various martyrologies in connection with 14 February is described either as:

* A priest in Rome
* A bishop of Interamna (modern Terni)
* A martyr in the Roman province of Africa.[5]

The name "Valentine", derived from valens (worthy), was popular in late antiquity.[6]

Various dates are given for the martyrdom or martyrdoms: 269, 270, or 273.[7]

The official Roman Martyrology for February 14 mentions only one Saint Valentine.

English eighteenth-century antiquarian Alban Butler and Francis Douce, noting the obscurity of Saint Valentine's identity, suggested Valentine's Day was created as an attempt to supersede the pagan holiday of Lupercalia. This idea has lately been contested by Professor Jack Oruch of the University of Kansas. Many of the current legends that characterise Saint Valentine were invented in the fourteenth century in England, notably by Geoffrey Chaucer and his circle, when the feast day of February 14 first became associated with romantic love.[8]

While a Website of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and other sources give different lists of Saint Valentines, the Catholic Church's official list of recognized saints, the Roman Martyrology lists seven: a martyr (Roman priest or Terni bishop?) buried on the Via Flaminia (February 14), a priest from Viterbo (November 3), a bishop from Raetia who died in about 450 (January 7), a fifth-century priest and hermit (July 4), a Spanish hermit who died in about 715 (October 25), Valentine Berrio Ochoa, martyred in 1861 (November 24) and Valentine Jaunzarás Gómez, martyred in 1936 (September 18).[9]

Hagiographical sources speak of a Roman priest and a bishop of Terni each buried along the Via Flaminia outside Rome, at different distances from the city, with each venerated on February 14.[10] In the Middle Ages, two Roman churches were dedicated to Saint Valentine. One was the tenth-century church Sancti Valentini de Balneo Miccine or de Piscina, which was rededicated by Pope Urban III in 1186. The other, on the Via Flaminia, was the ancient basilica S. Valentini extra Portam founded by Pope Julius I (337‑352), though not under this dedication.[11] The basilica apellatur Valentini, "is called Valentine's"; but early basilicas were as often called by the name of their former owner as by the saint to whom they were dedicated: see titulus.

This, the earlier and by far more important of the churches, is dedicated to the less prominent of the two saints, Valentine, presbyter of Rome;[12] this was the Basilica S. Valentini extra Portam, the "Basilica of Saint Valentine beyond the Gate" which was situated beyond the Porta Flaminia (the Porta del Popolo, which was the Porta S. Valentini when William of Malmesbury visited Rome). It stood on the right hand side at the second milestone on the Via Flaminia.[13] It had its origins in a funerary chapel on the site of catacombs, which the Liber Pontificalis attributes to a foundation by Pope Julius I (337-352). However, the dedications of two basilicas dedicated by Julius are not specified in the Liber Pontificalis. It was restored or largely rebuilt by Pope Theodore (642‑649) and Pope Leo III (795‑816), enriched with an altar cloth by Pope Benedict II (683‑685) and by gifts of Pope Hadrian I (772‑795), Pope Leo III and Pope Gregory IV (827‑844), so that it had become ecclesia mirifice ornata, "a church marvellously adorned". The monastery of San Silvestro in Capite was annexed to it, and in the surviving epitome of a lost catalogue of the churches of Rome, compiled by Giraldus Cambrensis about 1200, it was hospitale S. Valentini extra urbem, the "hospital of Saint Valentine outside the city". But in the thirteenth century the martyr's relics were transferred to Santa Prassede, and the ancient basilica decayed: in Signorili's catalogue, made in about 1425, it was Ecclesia sancti Valentini extra portam sine muris non habet sacerdotem, "the church of Saint Valentine beyond the gate without [enclosing] walls, has no priest".[14]

In the catacombs connected with the basilica of Valentine, outside the Porta del Popolo, nineteenth-century excavations unearthed two hundred Christian inscriptions.[15] Lanciani reported, from the chronicle of the monastery of S. Michael ad Mosam, an account of a pilgrim of the eleventh century who obtained relics of saints "'from the keeper of a certain cemetery, in which lamps are always burning'. He refers to the basilica of S. Valentine and the small hypogaeum attached to it (discovered in 1887)."[16]

The earliest written Acta for Saint Valentine were written in the sixth or seventh century, when the hagiographical genre was well established, with pious accounts of miracles and torture shared among many texts and applied to many martyr-saints. The longer of the two is that written of the martyr Valentine of Terni and his cure, through faith alone, of a crippled child. Bede, in the eighth century, knew of both hagiographies and included transcripts of both under 14 February in his martyrology.[17]

In the Golden Legend

The Legenda Aurea of Jacobus de Voragine, compiled about 1260 and one of the most-read books of the High Middle Ages, gives sufficient details of the saints for each day of the liturgical year to inspire a homily on each occasion. The very brief vita of St Valentine has him refusing to deny Christ before the "Emperor Claudius"[18] in the year 280. Before his head was cut off, this Valentine restored sight and hearing to the daughter of his jailer. Jacobus makes a play with the etymology of "Valentine", "as containing valour".

The Legenda Aurea does not contain anything about hearts and last notes signed "from your Valentine", as is sometimes suggested in modern works of sentimental piety [1]. Many of the current legends surrounding them appear in the late Middle Ages in France and England, when the feast day of February 14 became associated with romantic love..

St. Valentine's Day

Professor Oruch has made the case[19] that the traditions associated with "Valentine's Day", documented in Geoffrey Chaucer's Parliament of Foules, and set in the fictional context of an old tradition, had no such tradition before Chaucer. He argues that the speculative explanation of sentimental customs, posing as historical fact, had their origins among eighteenth-century antiquaries, notably Alban Butler, the author of Butler's Lives of Saints, and have been perpetuated even by respectable modern scholars. In the French fourteenth-century manuscript illumination from a Vies des Saints[20] (illustration above), Saint Valentine, bishop of Terni, oversees the construction of his basilica at Terni; there is no suggestion here yet that the bishop was a patron of lovers.

[edit] Relics and liturgical celebration

In 1836, relics that were exhumed from the catacombs of Saint Hippolytus on the Via Tiburtina, then near (rather than inside) Rome, were identified with St Valentine; placed in a casket, they were transported to the Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland, to which they were donated by Pope Gregory XVI. Many tourists visit the saintly remains on St. Valentine's Day, when the casket is carried in solemn procession to the high altar for a special Mass dedicated to young people and all those in love. Alleged relics of St. Valentine also lie at the reliquary of Roquemaure in France, in the Stephansdom in Vienna and also in Blessed John Duns Scotus' church in the Gorbals area of Glasgow, Scotland. There is also gold reliquary bearing the words 'Corpus St. Valentin, M' (Body of St. Valentine, Martyr) at The Birmingham Oratory, UK in one of the side altars in the main church.

Of greatest interest at this altar is the rich coffin which lies beneath it, containing the body of St. Valentine, a martyr whose relics from the Roman catacombs were given to John Henry Cardinal Newman by Blessed Pius IX in 1847.[21]

The Saint Valentine who is celebrated on February 14 remains in the Catholic Church's official list of saints (the Roman Martyrology), but, in view of the scarcity of information about him, his commemoration was removed from the Roman Catholic calendar of saints for universal liturgical veneration, when this was revised in 1969, but it is included in local calendars of places such as Balzan and Malta, where relics of the saint are claimed to be found. It is kept as a commemoration by Traditionalist Roman Catholics who, in accordance with the authorization given by Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of July 7, 2007, use the General Roman Calendar of 1962 and the liturgy of Pope John XXIII's 1962 edition of the Roman Missal, and, as a Simple Feast, by Traditionalist Roman Catholics who use the General Roman Calendar as in 1954.

vote for change!!

The Parliament have been dissolved. So all of you of age (21 years and above) and have registered to vote.. Get ready and excited for the most empowering few weeks of your life...

Vote with your mind and soul. If you are not happy with no one.. write it on your ballot.. Vote!

This is your chance to make a change in your government and the way you life.

Parliament dissolved, elections on

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced that Parliament has been dissolved, paving the way for the 12th general election.

At a hastily convened press conference at his office Wednesday afternoon, he said he had met the Yang Di Pertuan Agong in the morning and received His Majesty's consent to dissolve Parliament.

"I've informed Parliament and the Election Commission," Abdullah said. The state assemblies have also been advised to dissolve.

The Prime Minister declined to speculate on what date Malaysians would cast their ballots, saying that it would be up to the Election Commission (EC) to decide.

"I am confident of winning, and I hope that we will retain our two-thirds majority," he said.

The ruling Barisan Nasional coalition swept to a landslide victory in the last general election in 2004.

Meanwhile, the Election Commission said it would announce polling and nomination day on Thursday at its office in Putrajaya.

The Election Commission held several meetings Wednesday in preparation for the Prime Minister's announcement of the dissolution of Parliament.

“We have got the declaration on the dissolution of Parliament by the Yang Di Pertuan Agong and the announcement of nomination and polling will be done tomorrow," said EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman.

When asked if nomination day was February 21 and election day on March 2nd, he said: “You can speculate anything you want. The official announcement is tomorrow.

“You wait for the official announcement,” he added.

Abdul Rashid also said, "We want to make sure of fairness in this election process. We will ensure the appropriate time and space is given for the parties to choose their candidates and for campaigning."

Election rules
The general election must be held within 60 days of Parliament being dissolved, in accordance with Article 55(4) of the Federal Constitution.

Once Dewan Rakyat is dissolved, the tenure of all MPs automatically ends, which also means that they stop enjoying the privileges, perks, and powers related to their function.

Until the next Parliament is convened, the country is run by a caretaker government.

The caretaker government's role is to keep the government machinery running, and should not involve making policy changes or formulating new legislation.

Thestar online, 13th Feb 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A new start for Turkish...

Alhamdulillah, finally after almost 90 yrs headscarf has been ban in Turkey it finally was revoked. Thank god. the new ruling party (AKP) shows their commitment toward Islam. It's very odd that a country which is compose 99% of Moslem prohibited their people to exercise their right almost a decade, to practice their faith. But the new recent event was a really k.o punch to the secular block. Allahu Akbar!!

Pic:Women with Islamic head scarves, with one of them wearing a paper bag over her scarf, protest against a ban on the wearing scarves in Turkish universities, in Ankara, Turkey, in this Feb. 2, 2008 file photo. Turkey is roiling with debate over just what kind of head scarves will be permitted if a ban on Islamic covering in universities is lifted, with one of influential figure warning that the constitution could become a "fashion magazine.". (AP Photo, File) (AP)

Turkey removes ban on head scarves
Parliament act reflects growth of conservatism

Washington Post

ISTANBUL, TURKEY — Turkey's parliament voted Saturday to end a more than 80-year-old ban on women wearing head scarves at universities, acknowledging the rising influence of conservative Islam in the most determinedly secular republic of the Muslim world.

Tens of thousands of secular Turks marched in the capital, Ankara, against lifting the ban. Many brandished portraits of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who founded modern Turkey in 1923 with the goal of making it a Westernized, secular republic.

"Turkey is secular and will remain secular," the protesters chanted, swinging poles bearing the red flag of the Turkish republic.

"This is catastrophic," Aylin Tok, a woman with uncovered hair, said in a busy shopping district in Istanbul, Turkey's commercial center. "We are in a minority now," she said, referring to Turkish women who do not cover their hair.

Ataturk, still revered even by many conservative Muslims, outlawed the wearing of Islamic attire at universities and in public offices. The ban stood until Saturday's vote by lawmakers. The governing Justice and Development Party, which is religiously conservative but has won wide support through pragmatic economic policies, holds a majority in parliament. It easily won passage of lifting the ban in a 411 to 103 vote.

Crucially, Turkey's military made no immediate objection to the result. Turks long have regarded generals as the guardians of Ataturk's secular vision for their country. In the past, generals have overthrown Islamic-oriented elected governments they saw as straying from his secular goal.

Last year, generals forced an early national election simply by posting a statement on a military Web site expressing their concern about the rise of the Justice and Development Party. But voters rebuked the generals, making clear in the resulting elections last year that they were increasingly comfortable with conservative Islam and pleased with the party's economic policies.

The government news agency stressed that the style of head scarf legalized in Saturday was not necessarily Islamic.

Justice and Development Party officials have promised to interpret the measure as allowing only head scarves that are tied under the chin, a style seen as traditionally Turkish rather than Islamic. The party says it will not allow women to wear more rigidly Islamic attire — veils that cover all of the hair and neck or the face, or cloaks that cover the body — in public offices.

Opposition parties promised lawsuits to block the measure.

In many ways, the vote was an acknowledgment that Turkey has become a more religiously conservative society.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sabtu yang chaos

semalam...jumaat 8 feb, kami kat sini berkenduri. entah macamana tiba-tiba aje ide spontan mamat sekor ni, nuar@pinky@ustaz asri boleh terfikir and topek pulak dengan sukarelanya nak ke rynok (market). hm...5 ekor ayam diorang beli. untuk 9 orang makan. mak gergasi. ahli-ahli yang menyertai bekwah semalam ialah aku, majid, topek, mimi, yazed, shahril, zai, pinky n jack.
lepas makan, aku terus kekenyangan and matapun mula la berat. tapi, takpe arr..layan ar dulu bebudak ni. dengar lawak-lawak bodoh bebudak ni. dari lawak medic, lawak general knowledge dan yang paling aku takleh terima ialah lawak akidah.ade ker patut.
memandangkan cuti semdah tak lama lagi (lebih kurang 4 bulan aje lagi) aku dah start usha tiket balik. aku gi la tanya kat kedai-kedai jual tiket. 2ways tiket from Simferopol - K.L via istanbul berharga USD1300.00. via Amsterdam USD1400.00. erm solution yang aku amik ialah beli melalui internet. tiket aku nanti via Bahrain (USD891). plus USD400 2 ways from simferopol jadilah USD1200. jimat la seratus USD. Sponsor tiket aku kali ini tak lain tak bukan ialah Tuan Hj Husain, bapak ku ler. Aku plan nak amik gap 2 hari kat Istanbul. nak jalan-jalan cuci mater sket. lah aku punyer flight itineraries.

Fare type Fare description = Lowest price
ECONOMY SEMI FLEXIBLE Semi flexible economy fares.
Changable and refundable at a charge or without charge. $431.78

Select your flights: Flight options may become available once another fare type is selected.

Please be aware that flights with stop(s) are flights with connection(s)

Outbound: Simferopol - Istanbul
Saturday, June 28, 2008

15:50 Simferopol (SIP)
17:40 Istanbul (IST)
Turkish Airlines (TK)

Return: Istanbul - Simferopol
Sunday, September 07, 2008

17:15 Istanbul (IST)
18:55 Simferopol (SIP)
Turkish Airlines (TK)

* flight details

Total price for all travellers including tax - $431.78
Review your flight(s)

Flight Depart Arrival Class Check-in
1. GF044 Istanbul(IST)
Sun, 29 Jun - 15.00 Bahrain(BAH)
Sun, 29 Jun - 19.00 Economy 3hr before flight
GF280 Bahrain(BAH)
Sun, 29 Jun - 20.25 Kuala Lumpur(KUL)
Mon, 30 Jun - 09.40 Economy 2hr30min before flight
2. GF281 Kuala Lumpur(KUL)
Sat, 06 Sep - 12.15 Bahrain(BAH)
Sat, 06 Sep - 14.45 Economy 4hr before flight
GF043 Bahrain(BAH)
Sun, 07 Sep - 09.50 Istanbul(IST)
Sun, 07 Sep - 13.55 Economy 2hr30min before flight

Your payment details

1 Adult fare 470.00 Total
EUR 610.92 Friday, February 8, 2008
610.92 Euro = 891.155 US Dollar

Display in another currency

Taxes and Surcharges 140.92

Your fare options

Economy Promo
Istanbul (IST) to Kuala Lumpur KUL
Changes not permitted
Non refundable
Earn Frequent flyer miles: 25% of the distance flown
20kg baggage allowance

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Catatan Perjalanan

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya aku dah selamat kembali ke Simferopol. Perjalanan dengan train yang lebih kurang 30 jam memeang meletihkan. mujurla aku bole tidur dalam train tu. walaupun tak berapa nyenyak, tapi boleh lelapkan juga. On the pergi ke Kyiv, dalam compartment aku ada 3 orang perempuan. Masalah betul. aku dah mula menggelabah. aku just naik atas bed aku dan duk diam2 sampai pagi aku turun dari bed bila train dah betul2 dekat dengan Kyiv. tu pun setelah diminta untuk keluar kejap. diorang nak salin baju.
Sampai aje di Kyiv, aku cepat-cepat ambil tube ke embassy. yelah, aku janji dengan diorng nak datang pagi. last-last train sampai kul 11.30. aku sampai aje, diorang dah siap tunggu. aku selesaikan urusan aku, aku ke Chinese rynok (market) beli barang-barang sket. macam-macam aku beli. sos tiram, cili boh, taucu, shrimp chip etc. yelah, bukan senang nak jumpe bende-bende tu sume kt Simferopol. lepas tu terus aje aku balik semula ke vokzal (train station). aku duk usha ticket, yang ada kul 8.21 malam aje. sudah, jam baru kul 2.00. erm...nak buat gapo ek?? ade >6 jam lagi. aku naik ke komfortniy zal, and lepak2 kat situ. la, tertido plak.
sedar2 dah kul 4 lebih. aku turn kebawah untuk letak barang kat kamera hranenniya (bilik simpan. on the way aku turun ke bilik tu (bilik tu duk bawah tanah), tiba-tiba ada seorang hamba Allah jatuh kat depan aku. lah, pengsan la plak pakcik ni. orang2 kat sekeliling dah jerit 'we need doctor" (of course dalam bahasa russian. aku pun dengan tak malunye mengaku yang aku doctor.aku pun letak barang-barang aku kt lantai n terus check carotid pulse die erm, ada. sah2 pakcik ni mabuk, coz mulut die ada bau alcohol. anyway, aku terus monitor die punye pulse. takut gak tibe2 cardiopulmonary arrest. aku dah siap2 takut kena buat resussitation. sampai aje medic team aku terus bagi report tentang vital sign die. erm, just cerebral concussion, i guess. erm aku jadi hero beb! pengalaman pertama aku berdepan dengan situasi mcm ni by myself.



Cardiorespiratory arrest is cessation of cardiac and respiratory
function. In practice, the term is also applied to acute severe
cardiorespiratory dysfunction.

Severe dysfunction of either the cardiac or respiratory system, if not
rapidly corrected, will result in failure of the other.


Numerous toxic agents may result in cardiorespiratory arrest. This
complication is more likely to occur in poisoning of subjects with
underlying cardirespiratoy disease. Important examples, classified
according to underlying mechanism, include:

Depression of central respiratory drive
Benzodiazepines and other sedative-hypnotic agents
Tricyclic antidepressants

Weakness of respiratory muscles
Certain fish and shellfish poisoning (tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin)
Cholinesterase inhibitors (organophosphates/carbamates & nerve
Curare-like neuromuscular blockers

Non-cardiac pulmonary oedema or pneumonitis
Chlorine and other irritant gases and vapors
Cholinesterase inhibitors (organophosphates/carbamates & nerve
Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents or petroleum distillates

Decreased cardiac contractility
Beta adrenergic blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Type Ia or Ic antiarrhythmics
Tricyclic antidepressants

Hypotension from volume loss
Amanitin-containing mushrooms
Copper sulfate

Bradycardia or AV block
Beta-adrenergic blockers
Calcium antagonists
Cholinesterase inhibitors (organophosphates/carbamates & nerve
Digitalis and other cardiac glycosides
Tricyclic antidepressants

Ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation
Amphetamines and related stimulants
Antihistamines (terfenadine and astemizole)
Aromatic and halogenated petroleum distillates
Chloral hydrate
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
Digitalis and other cardiac glycosides
Phenothiazines (especially thioridazine)
Quinidine and other Type Ia antiarrhythmic agents

Cellular Hypoxia
Carbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Sulfide


Cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiac tamponade
Electrolyte disturbances
Myocardial infarction
Pulmonary Embolus


The patient with cardiopulmonary arrest is usually unresponsive, with
absent or agonal respirations, and absent or barely detectable pulses.
The cardiac monitor may show any rhythm, but most often asystole,
ventricular fibrillation or extreme bradycardia.


Vasovagal syncope


Treatment takes precedence over investigation in the initial
management of cardiorespiratory arrest.

A cardiac monitor is essential to determine the electrical activity of
the heart and should be applied immediately and followed continuously.

The following investigations may be useful as resuscitation

Arterial blood gases
Chest x-ray
Serum electrolytes including calcium and magnesium


The patient must be treated immediately. The priorities in management
are as follows:

a) Establish a secure airway, initially by positioning and
suctioning, then with definitive measures such as
endotracheal intubation.

b) Support breathing by assisting ventilation with a bag-valve
mask device followed by mechanical ventilation. Administer
supplemental oxygen.

c) Obtain intravenous access by the most rapid means possible
and commence continuous cardiac monitoring. Assist the
circulation with closed chest compressions until a
spontaneous cardiac output is re-established. Direct
current cardioversion of toxic ventricular dysrhythmias is
almost never successful and should not take precedence over
correction of hypoxia, external cardiac compression and
administration of specific antidotes. External or
transvenous cardiac pacing may be useful in severe

d) Drugs: Atropine and adrenalin should be administered
according to standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Where the causative toxin is known or suspected, the following
specific antidotes are indicated:

Beta blockers Glucagon
Calcium channel blockers Calcium, Glucagon
Cardiac Glycosides Digoxin-specific Fab fragments
Chloral Hydrate Beta-blockers
Caffeine, Theophylline Beta-blockers
Hydrofluoric Acid Calcium
Organophosphorus agents Atropine, Oximes
Tricyclic antidepressants Sodium Bicarbonate
Type 1a/1c antiarrhythmics Sodium Bicarbonate


Not all patients who develop cardiorespiratory arrest will survive the
acute resuscitation. However, the prognosis for cardiorespiratory
arrest of toxic origin is, especially in young otherwise healthy
subjects, often more favourable than that of arrest from other causes.
A good outcome is possible even after very prolonged resuscitation.
The clinical course is dependent on the underlying agent. Intensive
monitoring and support of cardiorespiratory function is necessary
until toxicity resolves.


Hypoxic brain injury
Myocardial infarction

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Cinta Seorang Lelaki

"Bila lelaki benar-benar jatuh cinta dan setia pada kekasihnya dengan ikhlas, perubahan sikapnya amat mengejutkan. Hati lelaki yang dianggap keras selama ini, tiba-tiba secara semulajadi menjadi selembut kapas apabila sudah jatuh cinta dengan relanya. Bahkan lelaki yang mabuk cinta sanggup berkorban dan buat apa sahaja untuk kekasihnya.

Sekeras manapun hati lelaki ia akan mengalirkan air mata apabila hatinya dilukai. Untuk melihat lelaki menangis amatlah payah. Diantara tanda-tanda lelaki yang jatuh cinta dengan hebat ialah:

1. Dia bersungguh-sungguh melakukan sesuatu untuk kekasihnya dengan rela bukan kerana terpaksa.
2. Dia sentiasa ingin menghiburkan kekasihnya dan berubah menjadi orang yang kuat bercakap.
3. Dia banyak menasihati kekasihnya kerana dia amat menyayangi kekasihnya.
4. Dia berusaha mengongkong kebebasan kekasihnya kerana perasaan cemburunya yang meluap-luap.
5. Dia sentiasa takut kehilangan kekasihnya.
6. Dia sentiasa mengawasi pergerakan kekasihnya kerana dia sentiasa berasa curiga.
7. Dia tidak suka ada lelaki lain rapat dengan kekasihnya.
8. Dia mudah merasa cemburu dan sensitif apabila kekasihnya tidak menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepadanya.
9. Adakalanya dia seperti seorang anak kecil yang meminta perhatian kerana dia mahu kekasihnya melayannya lebih dari orang lain.
10. Dia menjadi orang yang paling rajin dan sanggup membantu kekasihnya melakukan apa saja.
11. Dia pandai merajuk hati kerana ingin dipujuk oleh kekasihnya.
12. Dia akan menggelabah apabila kekasihnya berjauhan daripanya terlalu lama.
13. Dia sentiasa mempastikan keselamatan kekasihnya.
14. Dia mementingkan kekasihnya daripada dirinya
15. Dia kerap bertanya adakah kekasihnya mencintainya kerana dia merasa kasihnya lebih kuat daripada kekasihnya.
16. Dia tidak akan melayan perempuan lain yang tidak ada urusan penting dengannya.
17. Dia cuba meluangkan lebih banyak masa dengan kekasihnya walaupun terpaksa menunggu kekasihnya dengan sabar.
18. Dia membanggakan kekasihnya di depan orang lain.
19. Kalau ditinggalkan oleh kekasihnya, ia akan berasa serik dan tidak percaya dengan cinta perempuan lain namun dia sentiasa mengharap
kekasihnya kembali kepadanya.
20. Apabila timbul orang ketiga,dia akan hilang akal dan sanggup berbuat apa saja untuk merebut kembali kekasihnya.
21. Dia menganggap kekasihnya sebagai orang yang paling dipercayainya dan sanggup menyerahkan harta walaupun nyawanya sendiri.
22. Dia tidak akan berlaku curang kepada kekasihnya namun jikalau dia berbuat demikian itu bererti hatinya belum 100 % mencintai kekasihnya.
23. Bukan semua lelaki sanggup menitiskan airmata hanya untuk seorang perempuan.



Aku bermusafir

assalamualaikum wbt,
hari ni aku akan ke Kyiv (ibu negara Ukraine). nak ke embassy, ambik passport aku. semalam aku call, si Igor (P.A Embassador) tu kata dah siap dan aku bole datang amik passport aku. so, train adalah pilihan utama aku. selain daripada murah, train juga aku kategorikan sebagai sebuah pengangkutan yang agak selesa. perjalan ke Kyiv biasanya mengambil masa selama 13-15jam. biasanya, aku akan ambil overnight train. dari Simferopol, aku biasa bertolak petang and akan sampai ke Kyiv pagi-pagi buta. aku akan ambil metro ke Embassy. Dari stesen zalizhnitsaha (railway), aku akan ke stesen Khreshatik turun kat Maidan yang bersejarah tu. Dari sini, aku akan buat pertukaran train ke stesen Levedskaya. erm, aku ingat nak shopping kt Chinese market esok. duit lagi. Bankrup ah camni. aku ada USD200 aje lagi kt tgn. nak sampai ujung bulan. bole tahan ke tidak, aku sendiri tak tau arr.

pict1: Ni la rupa train station Simferopol

pict2: lebih kurang gini arr rupenye train yang akan aku naiki untuk ke Kyiv

Doa bermusafir:

اَلله ُ أَكْبَرُ ، اَلله ُ أَكْبَرُ ، اَلله ُ أَكْبَرُ سُبْحَاْنَ الَّذِيْ سَخَّرَ لَنَاْ هٰذَا وَمَاْ كُنَّاْ لَهُ مُقْرِنِيْنَ وَإِنَّاْ إِلـٰى رَبِّنَاْ لَمُنْقَلِبُوْنَ ‏‏اَللّهُمَّ إِنَّاْ نَسْأَلُكَ فِيْ سَفَرِنَاْ هٰذَا الْبِرَّ‏ وَالتَّقْوَى وَمِنَ الْعَمَلِ مَاْ ‏ ‏تَرْضٰى ، اَللّهُمَّ هَوِّنْ عَلَيْنَاْ‏ سَفَرِنَاْ هَذَا‏ وَاطْوِ عَنَّاْ بُعْدَهُ ،‏ اَللّهُمَّ أَنْتَ الصَّاْحِبُ فِيْ السَّفَرِ‏ وَالْخَلِيْفَةُ فِيْ‏ اﻷَهْلِ ‏،‏ اَللّهُمَّ‏ إِنِّيْ أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ ‏ ‏وَعْثَاْءِِ‏ الْسَّفَرِ وَكَا ٰبَةِ الْمَنْظَرِ وَسُوْءِ ‏ ‏الْمُنْقَلَبِ فِيْ الْمَاْلِ وَاﻷَهْل

Hypertension: Blood Pressure Basics
What is hypertension? What causes hypertension and what are the symptoms?

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and it contributes to hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis and the development of heart failure.
What Is "Normal" Blood Pressure?

There are several categories of blood pressure, including:

* Normal: Less than 120/80
* Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
* Stage 1 hypertension: 140-159/90-99
* Stage 2 hypertension: 160 and above/100 and above

People whose blood pressure is above the normal range should consult their doctor about methods for lowering it.
What Causes Hypertension?

The exact causes of hypertension are not known. Several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including:

* Smoking
* Being overweight
* Lack of physical activity
* Too much salt in the diet
* Too much alcohol consumption (no more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
* Stress
* Older age
* Genetics
* Family history of high blood pressure
* Chronic kidney disease
* Adrenal and thyroid disorders

What Are the Symptoms of Hypertension?

There are usually no symptoms or signs of hypertension. In fact, nearly one-third of those who have it don't know it. The only way to know if you have hypertension definitely is to have your blood pressure checked.

If your blood pressure is extremely high, there may be certain symptoms to look out for, including:

* Severe headache
* Fatigue or confusion
* Vision problems
* Chest pain
* Difficulty breathing
* Irregular heartbeat
* Blood in the urine

Who Is More Likely to Develop Hypertension?

* People with family members who have high blood pressure.
* People who smoke.
* African-Americans.
* Women who are pregnant.
* Women who take birth control pills.
* People over the age of 35.
* People who are overweight or obese.
* People who are not active.
* People who drink alcohol excessively.
* People who eat too many fatty foods or foods with too much salt.

How Is Hypertension Diagnosed?

Your health care provider can tell if you have hypertension by checking your blood pressure with a special meter called a sphygmomanometer, which consists of a stethoscope, arm cuff, dial, pump, and valve. You can also measure your own blood pressure at home. You should have your blood pressure checked at least once a year to make sure you don't have hypertension.
What Health Problems Are Associated With Hypertension?

Hypertension is a serious condition that can damage the heart and blood vessels, and can eventually lead to several other conditions, including:

* Stroke
* Heart failure
* Heart attack
* Kidney failure
* Vision problems

How Is Hypertension Treated?

Hypertension is typically treated by making changes in your lifestyle, and with drug therapy. Lifestyle changes include losing weight, stopping smoking, eating a healthy diet (such as the DASH diet, which includes lowering sodium but including daily servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods), and getting enough exercise, especially aerobic exercise.

Several types of drugs are available to treat hypertension, including ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), diuretics, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers.

for article of hypertension in Bahasa melayu, please visit this link

credit to DBI

Monday, February 04, 2008


aku bosan bole la aku selalu masuk menjenguk blog aku la sebelum aku malas(maksud aku, takde masa).
“Rebutlah lima perkara sebelum datang lima perkara lain, yaitu masa muda engkau sebelum datangnya hari tua, masa sehat engkau sebelum dilanda sakit, masa kaya engkau sebelum masa miskinmu, masa lapang engkau sebelum datangnya waktu sibuk, dan masa hidup engkau sebelum datangnya saat kematian.” (Hadith Riwayat Muslim dan Tirmizi dari Amru bin Maimun r.a.)
kalau kita renung hadith di atas, maka nya kita dapat melihat yang fokus utama hadith tersebut adalah masa.kenapa masa? ya saudara-saudara ku sekelian, masa adalah sesuatu yang amat berharga dalam hidup kita. sekali ianya datang, maka ianya takkan berulang. yang lepas hanya memori, yang akan mendatang itu yang hanya Allah swt ketahui, semuanya dalam khazanah Allah. Oleh itu, gunakan masa yang Allah anugerahkan kepada kita dengan sebaik-baiknya. Dalam Al-Quran, Allah swt ada beberapa kali menyebut tentang masa. antaranya ialah, wal-asr, wal-fajr, wa-ad-dhuha, wal-laili etc. jelas, kepentingan masa itu mesti dititik berat oleh setiap umat islam.

"Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasihat menasihati supaya menaati kebenaran dan nasihat menasihati supaya menetapi kesabaran" QS 103.1

Jelas, Allah swt memberi panduan bagaimana kita perlu memenuhi tuntutan waktu kita. iaitulah dengan mengerjakan amal-amal soleh, iaitu perkara-perkara yang membawa kepada kebaikan. itu adalah rahsia menuju kepada kejayaan.

aku ni bukan alim sangat. tapi ape yang aku tahu, insyaAllah akan aku cuba sampaikan. "Sampaikan pada ku walau satu ayat" pandanglah kepada apa yang dikata bukan kepada siapa yang berkata...wallahua'lam.


Bundle branch block (BBB) is a relatively frequent finding on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Sometimes BBB itself needs to be treated; sometimes it indicates significant underlying cardiac disease that needs to be treated; and sometimes it has so little significance that no treatment is necessary at all. In this article, we will review bundle branch block, its significance, and its treatment.
What are the bundle branches, and what do they do?
The bundle branches are an important part of the cardiac electrical system, the system that coordinates muscular contraction to assure that the heart works efficiently as a pump.
The Normal Cardiac Electrical System

Figure 1 - The Normal Electrical System: AVN = AV node, His = His bundle, RBB = right bundle branch, LBB = left bundle branch, RA = right atrium, RV = right ventricle, LA = left atrium, LV = left ventricle

To summarize, the heart’s electrical impulse originates in the in the sinus node in the upper right atrium, then spreads across both atria, then travels through the AV node. Leaving the AV node, the electrical impulse penetrates into the ventricles via the His bundle. From the His bundle, the electrical impulse enters the two “bundle branches” (the right and the left). The right and left bundle branches send the electrical impulse to the right and left ventricle, respectively. When the bundle branches are functioning normally, the right and left ventricles contract nearly simultaneously.

Figure 2 - The Normal QRS Complex

In this image of a normal ECG, the QRS complex represents the electrical impulse as it is being distributed, via the bundle branch system, throughout the ventricles. Since normally both ventricles receive the electrical impulse at the same time, the normal QRS complex is relatively narrow (generally less than 0.1 second in duration.)

Figure 3 - Normal Bundle Branch Conduction

To form this normal QRS complex, the electrical impuse needs to travel to both ventricles at the same time. The in this figure, purple arrows indicate the electrical impulse, traveling down the bundle branches and causing the ventricles to beat simultaneously.

BBB occurs when one of the bundle branches becomes diseased or damaged, and stops conducting electrical impulses; that is, a bundle branch becomes “blocked.” The chief effect of a bundle branch block is to disrupt the normal, coordinated and simultaneous distribution of the electrical signal to the two ventricles.

Right bundle branch block (RBBB)
In RBBB, the right bundle branch no longer conducts electricity. Therefore, as the electrical impulse leaves the His bundle, it enters left bundle branch only, and is carried to the left ventricle. Then, from the left ventricle, the electrical impulse finally makes its way to the right ventricle. As a result, the two ventricles no longer receive the electrical impulse simultaneously. First the left ventricle receives the electrical impulse, then the right.
Left Bundle Branch Block

Figure 4 - Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)

In LBBB, the opposite occurs. Here, the left bundle branch no longer conducts electricity. The electrical impulse thus enters right bundle branch, and is carried to the right ventricle (first panel). From there, it finally spreads to the left ventricle (second panel). Once again, the two ventricles no longer receive the electrical impulse simultaneously. First the right ventricle receives the electrical impulse, then the left.

With either type of BBB, therefore, the electrical signal spreads across the ventricles sequentially, as opposed to simultaneously. This sequential spread of the impulse (i.e., first the right ventricle, then the left – or vice versa) means that it takes longer for the impulse to reach throughout the ventricles.

Figure 5 - The ECG in BBB

In Figure 5, the top image shows a normal QRS complex. The middle figure shows RBBB, and the bottom figure shows LBBB. Note that with both kinds of bundle branch block, the QRS is wide and misshapen. The characteristic shapes of the QRS complex allow doctors to determine whether the right or the left bundle branch is blocked.

Why does the QRS complex change in BBB? The QRS represents the spread of the heart’s electrical impulse across the right and left ventricles. Because with BBB the ventricles receive the electrical impulse one after another instead of at the same time, it takes longer to form the QRS complex on the ECG. The QRS complex is said to “widen.” Also, since the pattern of the spreading of the electrical impulse is abnormal in BBB, the pattern of the QRS complex is also abnormal.
What is the significance of bundle branch block?
BBB is quite common, and occurs in a variety of medical conditions. RBBB occurs in medical conditions that affect the right side of the heart or the lungs, so a finding of RBBB on the ECG ought to trigger a screening exam for such conditions. These include blood clots to the lung (pulmonary embolus), chronic lung disease, cardiomyopathy, and atrial and ventricular septal defects. However, RBBB also commonly occurs in normal, healthy individuals, and the screening exam therefore often turns up no medical problems. In these cases, the RBBB has no apparent medical significance, and can be written off as a “normal variant,” and safely ignored.

In contrast, LBBB usually indicates underlying cardiac pathology. It is seen in dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hypertension, aortic valve disease, coronary artery disease, and a variety of other cardiac conditions. While occasionally LBBB occurs in apparently healthy people, its appearance should trigger a thorough search (as opposed to a simple screening) for underlying cardiac problems.

If both the right and left bundle branches are completely blocked (i.e., "bilateral" BBB), the electrical impulse cannot reach the ventricles. In this case, unless spontaneous electrical impulses arise within the ventricles (a so-called “escape rhythm”), the ventricles stop beating and death occurs. Fortunately, this form of “complete heart block” is relatively uncommon.

In summary, the major significance of BBB is that it may indicate the presence of previously unknown underlying cardiovascular disease. When BBB is found, therefore, a search for such underlying disease ought to be carried out. Since RBBB often occurs in normal individuals while LBBB usually indicates underlying disease, the search for underlying disease generally should be more aggressive with LBBB than with RBBB.
Part 4 - Incomplete BBB, the Hemiblocks, and Treating BBB
Incomplete BBB
Sometimes either the right or the left bundle branch conducts the electrical impulse more slowly than normal, but is not completely blocked. When this occurs, on the side of the slow conduction, the electrical impulse arrives in the ventricle slightly later than normal. As a result, the QRS complex is slightly wider than normal, but not as wide as it would be with a complete BBB. This slight widening of the QRS is often called incomplete BBB. (Another name for it is an “intraventricular conduction defect," or an IVCD.)

Incomplete bundle branch block sometimes indicates underlying heart disease. But, especially when it occurs on the right side (i.e., incomplete RBBB,) it often has no significance at all. So in general, incomplete bundle branch block should trigger a non-invasive search for underlying heart disease. If none is found, no further tests or treatment are needed.
The Hemiblocks
The left bundle branch itself divides into two major branches – the anterior and the posterior fascicles. Sometimes block can occur in just one of these fascicles. Such blockage is referred to as a hemiblock, or a fascicular block. (Note that the right bundle branch does not divide into discrete fascicles.)

When blockage is in the anterior fascicle, left anterior hemiblock (or left anterior fascicular block) is said to be present; whereas if the blockage occurs in the posterior fascicle, then left posterior hemiblock (or left posterior fascicular block) is said to be present.

Hemiblock generally does not widen the QRS complex, but instead changes the pattern of the QRS complex. (It alters the “axis” of the QRS complex. The axis is calculated by measuring the pattern of the QRS complex on several of the 12 leads acquired on a standard ECG.)

In general, finding a hemiblock should trigger a search for underlying heart disease. Often none is found, in which case the hemiblock can be ignored.
Treating BBB
As we have noted, the heart depends on the bundle branches. Without them, the electrical impulse is not delivered to the ventricles. Block in both bundle branches, therefore (a condition called complete heart block,) can be fatal.

Fortunately, it is quite uncommon for stable RBBB or LBBB to progress to complete heart block. Thus, despite the fact that BBB is a common finding on routine ECGs, it is an uncommon reason for implanting pacemakers.

Still, there are a few conditions in which people with bundle branch block require pacemakers:

1) When “conduction system disease” is bilateral, and is associated with a heart attack:We have previously noted that RBBB plus left anterior hemiblock should not be particularly alarming. This is true except in this one instance – where the block occurs acutely with a heart attack. Here, the conduction system disease tends to be unstable, and can progress to complete heart block. These patients often need pacemakers.

2) When bundle branch block is associated with syncope (loss of consciousness):When a patient with bundle branch block experiences syncope, in general an electrophysiology study should be considered to test for impending complete heart block. A permanent pacemaker eliminates the problem.

3) In certain patients with dilated cardiomyopathy:In patients who have dilated cardiomyopathy and either complete or incomplete bundle branch block, a new form of pacing – called cardiac resynchronization pacing or CRT – has now been shown to improve symptoms and to prolong life. CRT should now be strongly considered in any patient with heart failure and bundle branch block. Click here to read more about CRT.

As we have seen, bundle branch block causes the ventricles to beat sequentially (one after another) instead of simultaneously. This discoordination of the normal pattern of ventricular contraction diminishes the efficiency of the heart beat. In a person with a normal heart, the loss of efficiency is inconsequential. But in a person with dilated cardiomyopathy this loss of efficiency can be critical, and can contribute greatly to symptoms of heart failure. Resynchronization pacing restores much of this efficiency by pacing both the right and left ventricles simultaneously. In patients who have heart failure from dilated cardiomyopathy and bundle branch block, resynchronization pacing has become an important component to therapy.

Isnin yang syahdu...

Assalamualaikum wbt,
erm...sedar tak sedar dah bulan febuari. kelas aku pun akan mula next week. kalau mase sekolah dulu sibuk ah mengira hari untuk balik kampung. maklumla, budak asrama. la ni sume tu aku dah tinggalkan. dah dewasa agaknya. aku pun bukan muda sangat pun.
winter dah pun nak sampai ke penghujungnya. next month start spring. ah...akhirnya, winter yang aku tak suka tu akan berlalu juga. sepatutnya aku enjoy winter, yelah aku ade lagi 2 kali winter aje untuk dinikmati. tapi nak buat camner, aku memang tak minat winter. sejuk, takleh tahan la... tiap-tiap kali winter, suhu mesti sampai -15°C - -25°C. mana boleh tahan. aku rase sampai jadi aiskrim beb. pernah sekali tu, suhunya mencecah sampai -40°C. sampai istihar darurat kt sini. ramai juga yang terkorban disebabkan sejuk ni. mase tu ada lebih kurang 130 orang yang mati sejuk ni. bayangkan
bila masuk spring ni, aku suka sangat tengok bunga tulip. cantik betul. yelah, bunga tulip ni mana ada jumpe kat malaysia. rasa-rasanya kalau nk tengok kt taman pertanian bukit cahaya seri alam la.

tu pun aku tengok mase aku pegi rombongan sekolah masa aku darjah 4. taman tu ada lagi ke tidak entah, sebab masa aku buat final projek kat UiTM dulu hutan dalam tu la yang aku redah untuk cari specimen. actually, aku tolong pensyarah aku cari pokok untuk pensyarah aku buat PhD. projek aku lain. aku kena extract bacteriacidal substances from fungus. aku extract bende alah tu from coletitricum spp. aku isolate from chilli.

cuti aku ada berbaki beberapa hari lagi. erm...taktau ahh ape aku nk buat sepanjang beberapa hari lagi ni. selain dari ke kyiv, aku tak dapat piki ape lagi aktiviti berfaedah untuk aku buat. rase2nya, aku akan tido sepanjang hari kot. ataupun habiskan hafazan al-quran aku. ha...buat pengetahuan korang, aku join huffaz club. tapi, aku rase aku la member yang paling sampah sekali. paling malas turun surau and paling sikit ngafal. aduh, naik malu aku dengan ustaz ali dan ustaz muizuddin. ape2pun, aku cuba gak ngafal quran ni, coz aku rase itu lah yang patut setiap muslim buat. kalau tak kita yang baca, hafal dan amalkan al-quran tu, makanya kepada siapa lagi kita nak harap?? "sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang belajar al-quran dan mengajarnya" al-hadith. aku memang takde plan untuk mengajar al-quran macam ustaz-ustaz. tapi, masa hadapan, aku pasti perlu mengajar al-quran kepada anak-anak aku. atau jika tiba-tiba aku ditanya tentang al-quran, ape yang perlu aku jawab? nak jawab tak tahu. malulah sebagai aku mengaku sebagai orang islam jika tak mampu menerangkan asas perundangan islam yang ada dalam al-quran. aku harap, aku dapat balik kekuatan aku untuk habiskan hafalan aku. Ya Allah, bantu aku!

In-team - kehidupan. lagu ni memang best!!

Atrioventricular block

1. Pathophysiology
1. Impaired conduction in Atria, AV node or His-Purkinje
2. Types: First Degree Atrioventricular Node Block

1. Causes
1. Normal finding in >1% of healthy adults
2. Increased vagal tone
3. Digitalis affect
2. Findings
1. Regular narrow-complex rhythm at 40-60 beats/minute
2. Prolonged PR interval >0.20 seconds
3. Treatment: None needed
3. Types: Second Degree Atrioventricular Node Block
1. Also known as Sinoatrial Exit Block
2. Type I Second Degree Atrioventricular Node Block
1. Known as Mobitz I or Wenckeback Block
2. Acute condition affecting AV Node
3. Causes
1. Inferior Myocardial Infarction
2. Rheumatic Fever
3. Digitalis Toxicity
4. Increased vagal tone
5. Beta Blocker
4. Response to Maneuvers
1. Improves in response to Atropine and Exercise
2. Worsens with carotid massage
5. EKG Findings
1. Progressive increase PR interval until beat dropped
2. Cycle repeats after beat dropped
3. Type II Second Degree Atrioventricular Node Block
1. Known as Mobitz II Block
2. Chronic condition affects infranodal conduction path
3. Causes
1. Anteroseptal Myocardial Infarction
2. Lenegre Disease
3. Lev Disease
4. CardioMyopathy
4. Response to Maneuvers
1. Worsens in response to Atropine and Exercise
2. Improves with carotid massage
5. EKG Findings
1. No change in PR interval
2. Regularly dropped Q waves at consistent interval
3. Patterns: 2 to 1, 3 to 1 or 4 to 1
6. Prognosis
1. Worse than Mobitz I Block
2. May progress to complete Heart Block
7. Management
1. Pacemaker indicated
4. Types: Third Degree Atrioventricular Node Block

1. Complete electrical and mechanical AV dissociation
2. P and QRS waves are present but unrelated
3. Subtypes
1. Congenital Third Degree AV Node Block
1. Narrow complex escape rhythm at 45 to 60 bpm
2. Associated with limited Exercise tolerance
2. Acquired Third Degree AV Node Block
1. Wide complex escape beat at 30 to 45 bpm
2. Hemodynamic instability requires stabilization
1. Transcutaneous pacing